Author: nate

Hope House Farm

cook and barker northumberland features and attractions in the area

Hope House Farm, Amble is located approximately 8 miles from the Cook and Barker Inn. Phil took over the farm in 2007 with the aim of providing produce for the Cook and Barker which it now does. Texel lamb and… Read more »

Coastal Port of Amble

cook and barker northumberland features and attractions in the area

The Town of Amble is situated on the Northumberland coast, it is at the mouth of the River Coquet, just a mile from Warkworth. Amble was built on a point of land that sticks out from the main run of… Read more »

Alnwick Castle

cook and barker northumberland features and attractions in the area

Alnwick Castle’s remarkable past is filled with drama, intrigue, tragedy and romance, as well as a host of fascinating people including gunpowder plotters, kingmakers and England’s most famous medieval knight: Harry Hotspur. With a history beginning in the Norman age, the… Read more »